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The chapter the fifth: Poplar down - a grass ambrosia...

Tried to be rescued from ambrosia on nealand Black sea. But then and to spend the night it is necessary somewhere on a beach... Because, if only you will go deep into a city where is available амброзия... Then all! Put out the light. Treatment of an allergy by method Бутейко urgently is required to you. And even this treatment it can appear not quite enough that damned pollen from амброзии absolutely in any way would not torment you!! Well droplets... « it will torment all the same. On that this muck амброзией also is called. At the sea, as they say, at Black sea... And here such, if one may say so, a thingummy! Have delivered it whence on ours a head. Oh not friends, it is far not друзъя it have delivered... METHOD BUTEYKO was unknown.

запись на обучение методу Бутейко

! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

Открыта запись на обучение методу Бутейко с получением «Практического видео-курса метода Бутейко»:

курс поможет без лекарств устранить или серьезно облегчить: астму, бронхит, аллергию, гипертонию, ИБС, стенокардию, женскую патологию,...

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запись на обучение методу Бутейко
Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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