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Destinies of asthmatics
I already and to family am not necessary... (Destiny the first)

Part second of Chapter 3: New tablets-always well?

Yes, treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko can, certainly, cope with this separate heavy disease. But as this method will give to itself road to same Natalie Petrovne from provincial Prokop'evska, and else to a thousand other Nataliy Petrovnyh from Argentina, Brazili and Amsterdam, when on its way by iron wall stand the government, planted tablete bigwig? They-that medicinalless method why? It is harmful to them, it reduces their profits.

At the end of the introduction to book of the professor Lui Brouera " Tabletochnaya and food mafia" honored scientist Milli SHer and Manzoli openly write about that that modern laws allow to conduct the experiences on animal without anesthetization. They (these draconian, inhuman laws...) already have took effect on insistence one, extracts thereof significant profit. After all medication, vaccines, products of the consumption, presenting danger ( that is to say изначально made with breach of the prescribed rates and standard!) are delivered and realized on the market through graft of the executives, in spite of having place much частые accident....

The Patient or consumer turns out to be before person really lobby, or groups of the enforcement, about existence which consumer not even suspects, but which on he доминируют on length of the whole his lifes. The Doctor Lui Brouer shows them and names such, what they there is indeed. And clearly indicates for that they must have responsibility.

Yes... read this book wretch мученица from difficulty in breathing Nataliya Petrovna Matveeva , her became not on itself. The Authors of the foreword write that to read this book- as if see in mirror truth, which from us hide the hypocrisy of the powers and state censorship. This signifies- most understand in that that occurs indeed backstage secret sdelok., carefully hidden from the public. This signifies to understand- as it is necessary be protected.

This book worthy that to its have read as possible people. So much people- as this only possible! Since know the persisting truth- debt and responsiblity of the modern civilized person. So have written the scientist Milli SHer and Manzoli in introduction to book of the professor Lui Brouera.

Possible, who -any will say that , breakwater, to that me to know the contents of the book... I interest the treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko. But you never will be able to understand the reasons, on which here is already more half-centure is held up introducing the most Great Opening in modern medicine. А without these reasons dimly- why method Buteyko hitherto did not yet become the people thing... Why in hospital continue to pickling the sick expensive pesticide under name "medicinal preparations". If someone jar;warp such interpretation road medicine, that let's заглянем in history of medicine... As properly speaking, were created first medicine? But created their followers an alchemist....

And main of them famous physician of the muddle ages Paracelis. So here is this most Paracelis considered that best medicine from... the poison. If bring his(its) thought before absurdity, that best medicine to should acknowledge... potassium cyanide. Hope that about this "medicine" much explain nobody is not required. Small small amount of him(it) and... the persons already nothing else will be necessary on this light! So one, considers that book of the professor Lui Brouera them, in the general-that, little concerns, powerfully mistaken. The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko therefore and is held up around the world since salesmen pesticide hold their own profits. " Who does not speak the truth, when she him well known, becomes the accomplice a falsifier and liar".

These word belongs to SHarlyu Piebald. Professor Lui Brouer Itself writes in address to reader that notwithstanding established beside many opinion his book is written not for the reason fights with by medicine and her(its) critics. (Alopaticheskaya medicine- official medicine, using for treatment pharmaceutical facilities, made bay syntheses in chemical laboratory and renderring effects, opposite sign disease.) The Professor speaks that he tried to be objective. Beside it was not a desires to deride the multiple medical body sure of its high destination, mired in made mistake, which can bring him(it) to full disappearance...

This is a medical body has already lost its human person. But remains herewith supercilious and aggressive, and deserves more regret, than blames. He замкнулся in most itself that partly explains that image, which itself created, going from corporative associations that was him all time characteristic, to broad industrial production, in which each sees themselves particle a production and that accordingly reflects his specifics. Such a estimation most of all approaches to internist, as the most multiple category врачей this medical body, as well as to some surgeon

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! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

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Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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