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Part second Chapter 5: Black briefing syntetic medicine
Food industry also takes the direct participation in regeneration of the sort human because of technological using dangerous chemical material, giving addendas to medicine to poisoning.
These two sources of the dangerous contamination lead to creation " explosive cocktail", which in turn promotes quick spreading the cancerous diseases, as well as other dangerous diseases, not yet opened for 50 last years, curing which not on power to no medicine.
"Medicine generates the disease and breaches in organism. Hereupon automatically occurs badding human race. The Biological disease is intensified and takes sharply denominated nature. The Sanitary situation sharply grows worse. Approaches such stage, when treatment becomes the source different vice.. It attracts to itself client, forms such type to personalities, which sharply needs for his(its) help. We pay much dearly for medical and social progress.
Want we that mankind consisted complitly and from cureless vice beside, useless personalities, not thinking its existence without medicine and medicine.". These word belongs to ZHanu Rostanu. The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko after such words is perceived as big good.
But here is word most professor Lui Brouera: " On beginning third millennium all as to therapy, already long ago follows to revise. That, in than sharply need presently medical workmans, - completion intellect to revolutions, victory in which will create the happy circumstanceses for refusal of outdated dogmas, wrong principle and ungrounded claims.
Allopaticheskaya medicine is found in deep error if she entertains hope the most further existence on its. If she will as before cure the consequences, rather then avoid the reasons a disease with provision for particularities of the human organism.
The Disease never appears accidentally. Her appearance is provoked itself weakened by organism and medicine, which act upon alive organism only to his(its) thoroughly replaced and create the condition for appearance of the other diseases, most often more serious, than beginning disease" itself.Here is not said about treatment of the asthma method Buteyko.Nor one ward. But such treatment obviously is meant
Yes. This literally winnowing word of the professor of medicine. And treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko, certainly, belongs to the third millennium.Nataliya Petrovna did not read the books of the professor Lui Brouera. She have god in the other. In the end-end treatment asthmas on method Buteyko she became to pass in most Akademgorodke. Else at lifes of the author of the Opening of the Diseases of the deep breathing... But book of the professor Brouera has not lost its importances. Lui Brouer описывет in this book of their own conversation with very high-ranking official. With official, which on its job titles are OBLIGED to concern with the guard surrounding ambiences from contamination. Including from medicinal and food contamination... They Are Obliged! But... on deal these people do the type that they in general for the first time hear of some there medicinal and food contamination...
Here is what explains the academician Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko true reason ( the deep breathing! ) to any allergies. Well and be accordingly cured from allergy possible only if sick to manage to bring its deep breathing to rate. For this Konstantin Pavlovich and has developed its miraculous method to volitional liquidation of the deep breathing. The Method VLGD. This treatment to allergies by method Buteyko
It is a pity to look in August at those who perishes in solar paradise from an allergy plant-pollen. I come into the centre of employment of small southern small town. The nice blond girl explains to the visitor where he can get a job. The girl is beautiful. But, the God you mine as she now requires allergy treatment! The big blue eyes cry, as at the eighty-year-old old woman. Lipstick on the person conceals on itself traces hardened расчесов. At the girl all is scratched... For high-grade treatment of an allergay it would give now a life floor! It after all would like and on a disco in the evening on Saturday to go. And where here you will go, when the nose squelches, as at a flu. I know this girl. Time and again saw, how she in a lunch break runs in local hospital. She searches for hypertension treatments. She searches for rescue from this delusion...
But the greatest, than can to her (temporarily!!) to help with hospital is to make the next painful prick of poisonous chemical substance.
It at all will not be treatment to allergies by method Buteyko.
It will be the next profanation and an organism poisoning. But on another while
To treat an allergy are not able.
There are diligence of the doctor were not vain! This being means combined in itself signs of the person ( streit going) with signs large monkey. Besides it had a brain which was more monkeys and less brain of the person. Dubo named the being opened by it the obezjano-person. On it is Greek the pithecanthropus. Development of the person begins with the pithecanthropus. Yes, is among medical brotherhood and such people. And is, it appears, and that anywhere, dug nothing. On far islands any there... Hands with the earth did not spoil. And took here готовенький, a unique combine - which helped treatment of an allergy by method Buteyko, broken it on separate parts. As pithecanthropi!
! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !
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