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Destinies of asthmatics
I already and to family am not necessary... (Destiny the first)

Chapter1: Ah what for I on light have appeared?

With these words there has begun the acquaintance to me the bloated, spineless woman of 38 years in the warm July afternoon. Called its Natalia Petrovna Matveeva. It has got practically to one of the very first my educational groups.

Treatment of an asthma by method Buteyko was for it last hope. At that time I was still the youngish employee of the Center "Improving breath on K.P.Butejko's method" in a Novosibirsk Academgorodok. And as to the beginning methodologist group of patients to me too gave the small... In this was only six persons.

And as to the people at that time went to K.P.Butejko to the Academgorodok much premises for employment in the Center catastrophically did not suffice! Treatment of an asthma by method Buteyko is there was such novelty!, that from interested persons to pass the course of employment it was not simple a release. Give and submit to them either Most Konstantin Pavlovicha, or its nearest pupils...

I have resulted the small group to be engaged directly to myself home! Where we did not vanish... The Room at me with the wife was completely not huge. (In the smaller second - still the grandmother of the wife) had a rest. But six persons I nevertheless have managed to place on chairs so that nobody to offend. And for employment by method Бутейко chairs were necessary first of all just. Yes not what has got, and with nonrigid top. Not strongly high and not the low... Here after all the secrets. My wards settle on chairs and were going to write down that I will tell. Treatment of an asthma by method Buteyko was for them business absolutely new...

But before something to tell the patient, the methodologist himself should get acquainted with them more or less. And I have started to interrogate people. Who yes whence. What disease suffers. And as for a long time... To the left of me sat fat, quaggy woman in bright a dress. It also has appeared Natalia Petrovnoj Matveevoj. - And what for I only on light have appeared, is there was its reciprocal remark on my very first question.

-Other can and have knowingly appeared, and here I what for?-Natalia Petrovna has got a nasal kerchief and washed bulked up at once tears grey-greenish to be excruciated day and night? You understand, that to me in Procopevsk on five times a day sometimes the fast comes! I choke. All time I choke!! Air does not suffice me... it has taken a sip widely opened mouth this air and group is disturbing has become silent. From six patients sitting in my room four as it was found out hardly later, were asthmatics. And Natalia Petrovny's kind could frighten and the healthy person... It was quite clear, that if it still here so swallow in plenty opened mouth air an attack not to avoid! Treatment of an asthma by method Buteyko, of course, a piece good. And very perspective. In arms of the skilled methodologist...

And I then yet was not very skilled. The theory knew well. But practical experience was a little. And asthmatics, moreover such serious to which fast on five times on day comes, I 1988 oh as was rather afraid in that summer. And here to me also it became at all terrible! Still all right, if I conducted group in the most medical hospital of the Center. In one of its basic offices. There though there are nearby other methodologists, the teacher my favourite – Klarochka Fedorovna. In case of what it is possible and to call the colleague to the aid. But these six patients were at present not in the basic Center. They were at my place...

And for everything, that here with them can occur I carried responsibility only. And about an asthma and heavy, not taken out attacks asthmatics long gloomy years prior to working out of method Buteyko already had legends! That only did not tell, what only did not make up for pavors! And the terrible picture - here before me in mortal torments asthma was always represented to me writhes trained by me asthmatik, convulsively swallows the opened mouth of air, asks about the help. And I... And I cannot make anything! I can not take out this sudden serious attack!!

запись на обучение методу Бутейко

! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

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Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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