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The chapter the fourth: This distant island in ocean...

People who live in this this village insular state Tonga, about which read in article Dmitriy Semenovich, also, either as a thousand their sitizen, participate in the first in the world by budgeted government contest on reduction of the weight. And as graphically shows on photographies formation full figures on tennis court, not many places on the land so need for like action.

Devyanostosemitysyachnoe population Kingdom Tonga, located in south part of the Pacific ocean in 3320 kilometers to NORTHEAST from Sidney, faced closely with problem general and general obesity...

The whole scholastic group rejoiced For Tarasyana. Has Simply come alive the person on method Buteyko!
- But possible me sometimes its home grape blame now to drink?, - taking me for hand asked Eduard Asadurovich.
- On this count beside Konstantina Pavlovicha Buteyko too its criterion is having, - several noncommittal has answered I Tarasyanu.
- And that this for criterion?, - has vividly ed me elated successful treatment of the hypertensions Tarasyan.
- Well, Konstantin Pavlovich, as physician use alcohol sick, yes else by infarct patients, certainly, does not greet, - has explained ya. - But to whom much uzh to want he answers so: "I allow you to take on so much grams light blame - as your maximum pause - 20 seconds - signifies twenty grams. If 80 seconds - can and 80 grams to drink..." Upoennyy victory treatment to hypertensions Tarasyan aloud burst out laughing. On his(its) presentations this was nowhere near not жланные dose. But he has valued the wisdom of the Teacher.

запись на обучение методу Бутейко

! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

Открыта запись на обучение методу Бутейко с получением «Практического видео-курса метода Бутейко»:

курс поможет без лекарств устранить или серьезно облегчить: астму, бронхит, аллергию, гипертонию, ИБС, стенокардию, женскую патологию,...

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запись на обучение методу Бутейко
Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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