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Unquestionable advantages of Internet. Why did we so interest in it?

It is no need (at now) explain very long to internet users why that wonderful mysterious country - internet is so attractive to all of us! But we were must say something about that in Russia in 1995 year. To give (for example) quotation from of famous book of Harly Han "Complete reference book by internet": "Internet is undoubtedly the greatest achievement in history of mankind. It impress more than Egyptian pyramids. It is more beatiful than works of Mickelandgelo, than wonderfull inventions of epoch of industrial revolution". We think, that is very strong and bright statement. It speaks for itself. Vice-president of USA (in the middle of the nineties of 20 centure) devoted his articles and speeches to internet. Cafes opened in England, in which the people worked in internet even during their eating. All that speaks about one - internet is very, very need to all of us. Why did we so interest in internet? In what are it's unquestionable advantages? We are interested in internet (before of all) as in very cheap means of transmission of any information on any long distances (and almost instantly by that!). Unquestionable advantages of internet - it is post in your home practically! That post attends only you one. Attends without of any turn, without of any cavils, that you sealed envelope irregularly. Or you sealed not those stamps... Yes, we could only dream of that 15 years ago. And now? Dream became our life at now. It entered in our houses. Luminous screens of computers make happy and children and their parents. You may learn foreign language by internet. It is possible to realize instantaneous correspondence with foreigners by internet. You learn language and exchange by information at the same time by that. It is possible, to know the very fresh political news by internet. And (what is very important) the very usual man can know these news (not only members of Government). It is possible quickly to receive any geographical, every day and others information about that region, which is interesting to you. We (the same) received information about Krasnodar region and about situation in Abkhazia by internet, when we yet were in Novosibirsk, but already wanted to remove on Kuban. In general internet is very unique. The future is for internet. And that man, which did not come in internet at now (by some reasons) will come in it in short time undoubtedly. And exactly by that we want to give to all who work in internet that weapon, which helps to overcome definite negative consequences, which arise after long sitting before luminous screen.

запись на обучение методу Бутейко

! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

Открыта запись на обучение методу Бутейко с получением «Практического видео-курса метода Бутейко»:

курс поможет без лекарств устранить или серьезно облегчить: астму, бронхит, аллергию, гипертонию, ИБС, стенокардию, женскую патологию,...

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Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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