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About a role of the doctor in hypertension treatment
As hypertension treatment does not exist, there is a natural question: in what "work" of the doctor consists? At treatment "сurable" illnesses work of the doctor is obvious:
- Diagnostics, that is establishment of the reasons of a disease state;
- Choice of medicines, that is that will influence the disease state reason; dosage appointment;
- Supervision over a course of treatment before recover. At "cardiological treatment" the role of the doctor is reduced in essence to experiences over the patient for the purpose of selection of those "противогипертензивных" preparations which will regularly reduce arterial pressure to certain "norm" with minimum "by-effects".
Clearly, expensive readers? Instead of treatment of hypertensive illness the doctor is engaged in experiences over the patient. In nazi concentration camps too arranged, by the way, medical experiences over prisoners... There is a hypertension remains untouched. All the same hypertension. And experiences over you last all life!
Whether and coryphaeuses (Дебейки, Тотты write and other) is direct - than hypertensive illness is dangerous? In the mentioned book about it speaks the following fragment:
"About danger of the hypertension»
And in what danger of a hypertension, actually, consists? For the sake of what, actually, the person should "on a daily routine" accept the "medicines" certainly destroying an organism, and to accept them without any hope of improvement of the health? After all one business a "heavy" hypertensia which only can be shown by headaches and hemorrhages in a retina and коньюктиву eyes ". But absolutely an another matter -"moderate"hypertensive illness. Than, actually,"moderate"hypertensive illness which cardiologists suggest"to treat"even by organism destruction threatens us? About it at authoritative cardiologists (is available in view of book Дебейки, Готта" the New life of heart ") it is for some reason told very avariciously - only 9 lines (In the book of the whole 497 pages...)
About treatment of the hypertension by method Buteyko there it is not told words …
About danger of the raised arterial pressure cardiologists write a little, not concrete and it is unpersuasive. About danger of possible result of "struggle" against the raised pressure, that is struggle against the arterial pressure, once "too lowered by means of"medicines", cardiologists do not write anything"
Interestingly, and why they do not write about results of such "struggle" against hypertensive illness? There would be a result good - would write... That is why fighters with a hypertension do not write anything, that резульататом once arterial pressure "too lowered by means of"medicines"is five ischemic strokes of a brain from six in general possible from any reasons! Method Buteyko does not give anything similar …
"Despite occurrence of new methods of diagnostics, an enormous arsenal of various medical products, surgical and эндоваскулярных methods, эффктивность treatments not тольо does not increase, but, judging by growth hospital летальности even decreases". Know, dear readers who from fighters with hypertensive illness сией so is loud сказанул? Yes former Minister of Health Evneny Chazov on the Russian national congress of cardiologists in 2003. And "the Medical newspaper" №81 from 29.10.2003 years on 11й to page has placed its this statement. Here this treatment of hypertensive illness! And what such "Growth hospital летальности" know? This world and steady reduction of a share of patients of cardiological branches and the clinics leaving therefrom by the live... Will treat, leaves, in these cardiological branches your hypertension. So will treat, that forward feet and will take out!
Whether so doctors know the reason of occurrence of your hypertensive illness? No! Therefore also name a hypertension эссенциальной (that is causeless...) hypertensive illness. And though somebody in the world knows it is this true reason of hypertensive illness? Yes!! The true reason of occurrence of hypertensive illness was established in October, 1952 by the outstanding Russian scientist физилолог, subsequently the academician of the international academy of information Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. This reason is deep breath of the patient which leads to deficiency of carbonic gas in a human body. Only liquidating deficiency CO2 it is possible to treat a hypertension really! About K.P.Buteyko's method you can in detail прочиать on pages of the given site. And about treatment of the hypertension by method Buteyko too.
Well and what physicians? How they have met similar treatment of hypertensive illness without of poisonous tablets? Probably in ладоши fighters with hypertensive illness have begun to clap for pleasure. It is so much years they of people chemistry poisoned and here on you, My God, medicinalless means. Alas, fighters with a hypertension for pleasure in ладоши have not begun to clap. They have gone on a way "struggle against pressure" by means of rejected still academician George Fedorovichem Lango противогипертензионных preparations. This "struggle", by the way, has brought a pharmaceutical industry (to drugstores, chemist's bos) billions roubles, and to mankind... To Mankind similar "struggle" has brought literally epidemic of strokes!! It is enough to notice, that for ten years (with 1990г for 2001) number of men annually (!) dying of a stroke in Russia increase in one and a half time!! "Struggle" against a hypertension yields the fruits...
What a century past to us tell?
If someone from readers thinks, that it here just now modern physicians so is bad борятся with a hypertension and with warm diseases in general we result examples of two-centuries prescription. In 1772 the Dutch doctor Geberden has paid attention that its some patients in the top part of a body have heavy feelings, сдавления, constraint, a pain. There were these sensations, as a rule, at physical activity. For example during walking. Especially fast. Also passed in some seconds or 1-2 minutes after the termination of physical pressure. Геберден named a similar condition an angina pectoris and has given the full clinical characteristic to this display of coronary insufficiency. By the way, dear readers now this illness is called a stenocardia. And it is accompanied often enough by a hypertension. Геберден was the first doctor and the scientist who has planned ways of treatment of an angina pectoris. So (in any measure) and ways of treatment of a hypertension at the same time. 230 years ago he asserted, that regular, adequate to a condition of the patient physical activities promote treatment of illness and elimination of its strokes! But about treatment of the hypertension by method Buteyko.
Then could not go and speeches …
And as fun-loving colleagues Geberdena "treated" patients in that past 18м a century and and later. The name a hypertension then was not known yet. But treated also unopened still a hypertension (it can even it is successful sometimes...) and weight of any other diseases it is plain enough. Started up to the patient blood and to a nausea pumped up the poor fellow warm water even at a stomach ulcer... " Healing the patients, it has spilt blood more than Napoleon during all wars ", - has told about one French doctor 18го centuries го the contemporary. Really (yet not knowing a word a hypertension) blood of patients in those days did not spare and resorted to кровопусканию very often. At a hypertension it yet so is bad if not to go too far, but at a stomach ulcer... One of adherents кровопускания (then involuntary"fighter"with unopened still a hypertension) as bases of bases of treatment, Parisian doctor Phillip Ekke, has been mocked by the great French writer under a name of doctor Sangrado in the novel" Adventure Jil Blas ". Treatment of the hypertension by method Buteyko then obviously it was not known.
"It is enough to bleed and give to drink sick of warm water - here and all secret how to cure of every possible illnesses..." - doctor Sangrado speaks in the novel. (Oh this ancestor of present fighters with a hypertension!) "we remember (writer Lesash) writes already about it, that usually the course of its"treatment"was short: the patient died, hardly having had time to cause the confessor. After all categorical - warm water and plentiful кровопускание - waited for everyone who addressed to Санградо, whether it has fallen ill a gout, whether he suffered a pleurisy... (Patients the ancestor of fighters with a hypertension - Sangrado) strong"treated"And nevertheless, narrates Лесаш," in those days there was no in Вальярдолиде more popular doctor, than seigneur Sangrado who has created to itself and popularity magnificent verbalisations, an impressive exterior, and also only several successful healings... "
Well here, dear readers, here so treated also not open hypertension in days of Geberden its colleagues on a white cloak. The Hypertension can and receded before a similar impact a little, but the patient all the same died not having had time to confess. Why? Yes because blood to it started up by eye. It is not so much, how many could help, and how many the God on soul will put... Well and the sufferer went on heavens. The hypertension triumphed a victory. And here reasonable councils Geberdena were perceived only, as a cheerful funny thing...
Treatment of the hypertension did not occur.
Here these "funny things" also accompany hypertension "treatment" up to now. Geberden was certainly right - measured loading is useful at an angina pectoris. It helps and at hypertensive illness about which then the Dutch doctor did not know. But it was required more than two hundred years that scientific researches Geberden were are taken on arms by official medicine. How many years are required, that the same official medicine for struggle against a hypertension took the Method of academician K.P.Butejko on arms?
Academician K.B.Butejko specifies the main reason of occurrence of hypertensive illness - the deep breath of the patient which are washing away from its organism valuable carbonic gas. And what reasons are specified by modern physicians? They at all do not know the main reason of occurrence of hypertensive illness and do not hide it. Therefore name a hypertension эссенциальной (causeless) hypertensive illness. Doctors do not know the main reason of occurrence of hypertensive illness. Try to find (more truly to grope in darkness...) the reasons indirect. So many "fighters" with a hypertension were very much inspired with experience.
But they do not know treatment of the hypertension by method Buteyko!
Experience of Youshar.
This next "fighter" with hypertensive illness took as guinea pigs of 225 monks. The whole two long years (that you will not make struggling with a hypertension!) Frenchman Jushar fed half from these monks strictly безмясной with food. Sufferers fasted necessarily 730 days... Monks from other half fur-tree meat. And with it were very happy. Upon termination of experiment pressure at monks fasting vegetarian food has appeared a little bit more low, than at those who ate meat. And "fighters" with hypertensive illness have lifted experience of Youshar on a board! Meat is harmful to hypertensive persons. Let eat a grass.
be continue
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