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Healing of arterial hypertension

There is not one sick man, which shudders by word - hypertension in that World. Every the third man on the terrestial globe suffers by digression of arterial pressure from of norm. I am speaking as about of pressure such and about low pressure. It is bad for man as the first such and the second. But we shall speak about high pressure more of all in that part of our story.

You are rising by the flight of stairs and you are feeling already beating of your pulse. Your heart is throbbing very often. Your breathing is deepening. You want to learn on hand-rail and to stay very long. And you must rise on two floors with heavy bag yet... It is very difficult in 72 years. And it is very dangerously in such age. Did you see how hypertension man are perishing? You are seeing how they are suffering in the life... But you are seeing how they are perishing very rarely. They are perishing very awfuly sometimes. My own uncle Victor was suffering from of hypertension very long years. His ice-box was filled in tablets. He worked on his summer cottage near Novosibirsk. 8 May of 1996 year. Bare-headed. Sultry noon in the spring. He received sun-strok at fifteen o'clock. Vast insult of cerebrum. Paralysis of the left side of body. The loss of memory. It is terrible to remember that ward for insult sick man. There was already not wise people, but human logs, which were defecating under himself... My uncle was dead in the autumn. He was 64 years only... Physicians cured his hypertension during all of his life! And they sended his in the grave in 64 years only.

Author of "Doctor Buteyko Discovery" trilogy.
Two diplomaed Buteyko methodist.
Sergey Altoukhov

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! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

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запись на обучение методу Бутейко
Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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