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Chapter eight: "Sablin's treatment of hypertension"

В than, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick, was concluded this dangerous way to health - a way Viktora Timofeevicha Sablina? The Method Buteyko, as we have explained already you, implies gradual(!) reduction depths of the breathing before rate. Gradual, on strictly designed rule, in corresponding to pose and under checking the experienced methodist, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick. Only this(!) and there is classical, scientifically motivated method Buteyko. Viktor Timofeevich Sablin, so long suffered from its cureless hypertension, will go on way of the least resistance. He simply became often to delay the breathing... It Was Put herewith under threat his(its) sick heart and life itself, but tried to get the most fast "treatment of" hypertension Sablin all this sended away.

Speak that winners, breakwater do not judge. But hypertension sick Sablin came out of fight with its hypertension by unconditional winner. But, in the first, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick, far from always winners do not judge. Alexander Vasilievicha Suvorova, for instance, his(its) chief general Color in due course tried to judge for obsessed against his(its) order victory on turk and even has selected beside young (then else) of the winner sword... Afterwards, truth, was pity - returned. А, secondly, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick, I nobody does not advise to take the example with Viktora Timofeevicha Sablina and risk (making simple greater pauses in breathing) its heart and life. There is classical, safe method Buteyko - him(it) and follows to use for fight with hypertension.

But about more unusual experience Viktora Timofeevicha Sablina I you all shall tell before the end. His(its) main, - a main victory on its cureless hypertension and heavy stenocardia took place in night for August 6 1962. The Experiment hypertension sick Sablin has conducted in that night on itself more dangerous, which on 90% must was end the ruin looking for quick treatment to hypertensions experimentator. But... The Experiment (notwithstanding many danger) ended the full Victory Sablina and on its hypertension and on its angina pectoris! Once again emphasize, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick, Viktor Timofeevich did not go to recovery on way completely safe, classical method Buteyko. He went to him (and came-in all!) on way found fault with by K.P. Buteyko delay of the breathing. Dangerous for people with weak heart in most прямом sense. I in all detail shall describe you this experiment on itself Viktora Timoeevicha.

But to understand - why looking for fast treatment to hypertensions Sablin dared on such, for beginning cost(stand)s to tell else about one hidden now from broad hypertension of the public old to article Konstantina Pavlovicha Buteyko, which has also read before its dangerous experiment sufferring hypertension Sablin. This article else has more consolidated the lookinging for fast treatment to hypertensions of the person completely to on absolute scientific proving method Buteyko. In one of their own next visit the laboratory K.P. Buteyko in academ-town Viktoru Timofeevichu happened to to sit in queue. And some colleague-гипертоник from this queue gave him to honour already ed newspaper "For science in Siberia" from July 18 1961. Emphasizing red pencil article was identified "Electronics and medicine".

The Queue on acceptance to K.P. Buteyko moved slowly and Viktor Timofeevich has haved time to fast reread whole article and comprehend all in her said. The Article explained the position of the author of the method Buteyko to instrumental studies in biologies and medicine. read Her(its) each need for treatment of the hypertensions sick, began to understand that for word - a method Buteyko cost(stand) very exact measurements, executed by means of the most latest electronic technology.

"Instrumental studies in biologies and medicine has gained for last decennial event (with 1951 on 1961) special importance, - wrote author of the method Buteyko, - New given about electric activity biological object, development of the semiconductor technology and appearance big amount sensor (converters of one type to energy in other) increase circle of the study different function organism"

In this place, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions by exactly method Buteyko sick, want to note earlier mentionned by me in this book facts. These facts first of all are indicative of that that that scientist-physicians obtain in physiologies big openings, which aside from purely medical sciences else well introduce;make familiar with with physics, mathematics and chemist.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, discovered really scientific way of the treatment to hypertensions, as we see, watched and for appearance of the semiconductor technology and different sensor. The Winner to hypertensions of these science quite well knew. Knew and used on good all need for treatment of the hypertensions sick. The Method Buteyko was built on more solid foundation of the most exact instrument studies.

At the moment nearly all processes of the organism possible to convert in electric signals. The Appearance of the electronic amplifiers and reliable registerring systems enables to get the objective information about organ and system activity of the person" This paragraph, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions by method Buteyko sick, speaks of many. Enterring after war in 1й Moscow medical institute, 23х year Buteyko spoke its familiar: "I want to study the organism of the person, as I studied the organism of the machine". After all else before war he has haved time to to get to the second course автодорожного institute. The Motor of the machine knew splendid. The Pillar of the motor vehicles Minzdrava, which K.P. Buteyko managed during war, was considered exemplary. Vchitaytesi, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick once again in this line: "At the moment nearly all main процесссы organism possible to convert in electric signals".

About this writes already in 1961 38 years old young scientist Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. And exactly this thought will after else be an integer ten years to conduct in its book about health dear, with gray hair academician Mikulin! Leaves even on beginning of its scientific activity, else not even became by candidate of the sciences, K.P. Buteyko overtook the guessworks the most leading our academician! And as dirty trick of the top-level medical semi-official publication, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions by method Buteyko sick if even on прошествие 50 years the most tense dear to activity K.P. Buteyko him as well as was not assigned rank of the academician to academies of the medical sciences. Neither USSR, nor Russia!

Yes, author of the method Buteyko thrice worthy even notorious Nobel prize(!), dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick!! For that only her(it) and to whom only occasionly do not deliver... But here is person, winning and insidious hypertension, and angina pectoris and else 113 the most dangerous diseases to civilizations - neither academician, nor Nobel... This disgrace! Dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick!! This simply national disgrace. Lui Paster, person, certainly their own opening in the field of microbiology which gave enormous profit, both most France, and the whole mankind else at lifes has got and rank of the academician and high chant in 12 thousand franc and all bonuses. But Buteyko? realy do not die and today from asthma, hypertensions, stenocardia - a millions of the people in the world? Realy does not need him before very strong method of the treatment to hypertensions - a method Buteyko?! Realy did not leave two circulations in SCHvecii her(it) in 1983 book "Revolution in health", telling about brilliant victory of the method Buteyko? But result? The Result, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick?! Domestic Rossiysakaya academy of the sciences as well as has not awarded K.P. Buteyko ranks of the academician!... The Academician to international academy of the informatics - not in count, dear needing for treatment hypertension method Buteyko sick.

The Great russian physiologist, whose name boldly possible to put in one row with names Ivana Mihaylovicha Sechenova, Nikolaya Ivanovicha Pirogova and Ilii Iliicha Mechnikova so and remained unacknowledged at genyi!! Really beside each, needing for curing the hypertensions by method Buteyko sick, afterwards already after curing the hypertensions by thereby method, does not appear the indignation by similar unfairness? After all all these sick hypertension so much years in vain upholstered the thresholds different tablet-scalpel of the polyclinics. But here - a prodigy, medicineless and reliable treatment to hypertensions! So where hundreds of the outraged letters in Minzdrav and academy with requirement to reward deservedly (at least and posthumously) of the author of the Opening of the Diseases of the Deep Breathing? Where they, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick? Only with your help possible to return the holy debt a deliverer people from the most heavy ill!!

We Address newly, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions by method Buteyko sick, to that jam to article most K.P. Buteyko. Proniknemsya his(its) thoughts and hopes.

"However existing instruments bulky and inexact, as well as important methods of the studies, as phonocardiographia (record sound heart), arterial oscillographia (record pulsation container), ballistocardiographia (writing the moving the body), have not common calibrations (graduation)) that obstructs the generalization got data and excludes the possibility of the determination of the borders normal and painful changes to organism". No, dear looking for treatments to hypertensions sick, these line it is impossible simply fluently прочитывать. On them it is necessary вдумчиво stop, their necessary to comprehend.

"Fonokardiografiya (record sound heart)"- heard you, dear hypertension patients, applying for help to method Buteyko, in general ever like. Yes no, I think, did not hear. And I, except electrocardiograms nor about what fonokardiografia too did not hear. Even presently. But uzh in 1961m-that year... Or here is "ballistokardiografia (writing the moving the body)". The Litter, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions sick, with what pride already after 20 years after mess his(its) famous laboratory author of the method Buteyko itself - 65 year Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko has explained me their own invention discoveries on this most ballistokardiograf. Stood the gold(en) siberian autumn 1988го. We sat in big receiving room in novosibirsk Akadem-town.

- Well I told already you, as professors of tablete mafia in 1968м year of my laboratory have smashed, - continued the talk graceful, neat, clad in beautiful ukrainian chemise uchenyy. - a Dirty linen to wash in parsed parts of my combine-compleksator began...
You Feel, dear needing for treatment of the hypertensions by method Buteyko sick? Not that winner to hypertensions rank academician to assign - smashed his(its) laboratory, but in the most valuable combine-комплексаторе dirty hospital linen started to wash the descendant a professor Toporovyh, Grizoley, Lavuazie!
- Beside me here is here under couch some specifically valuable parts from this unique combine remained.

be continue

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Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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